Asks Brittany S. Pierce and the answer probably is „Yes.“ Or it´s like Coupland wrote, God has probably (and obviously) lost interest in us. Kurt thinks he´s probably a jerk – creating gays and followers who think they´re not supposed to be on the same planet. And is there a season where people are worse – even more evil and stupid – than in preparation for God´s son´s birthday? I´ve never been one of those christmas haters but I´m turning into one. Really, the only fun about christmas was the presents and now that there´s the no-presents-policy (I find it equally bad not to buy presents as not to receive any) I just can´t be much bothered. Christmas means a three hour car ride on slippery streets in a car that I´m continually afraid will fall apart any time soon. Traffic jams. Then two tense days filled with stupid tasks, one day of too heavy food and no presents, another heavy-food-day and then back to work, pretending it´s just any Sunday. Oh yes – I´m totally getting into the spirit. Fuck Christmas, fuck Jesus and fuck you, Evil Dwarf with your stupid sense of humour. If any.

My favourite christmas movie is „While she was out“, where Kim Basinger gets into a bit of trouble (aka killing spree) because she thinks she needs to go out and buy some gift wrapping paper. Goes to show.

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